Public FPP Vianney Cenacles

The Congregation for the Clergy's 2012 booklet gives the following ten suggestions for how to “prepare an hour of adoration for the sanctification of priests.”

These suggestions are suitable when a priest is available to expose the Blessed Sacrament in a worthy place such as a parish, church, shrine, chapel or other appropriate setting:

1.    Greet Jesus in the Eucharist with a song of worship. If a musician is not available, perhaps listen to a CD

2.    In a brief moment of silence, we make ourselves aware before Whom we are kneeling. Eucharistic adoration is a personal encounter of the soul with God who always awaits us. 

3.    Praise, thanksgiving and repentance of love. If in faith we are aware of Him who is present so quiet and humble, then right from the beginning of our hour of adoration we will turn to God praising Him, marveling and thanking Him for his presence with spontaneous words. 

4.    A song of praise. Personal or communal 

5.    Meditative prayer together. Above all, let us take Holy Scripture through which the One before whom we are kneeling speaks to us. Read a few scripture passages, then listen to Him as if Jesus Himself would speak to us from the tabernacle. We can pray together the “Biblical Rosary.” We may pray the mysteries of the rosary for various intentions: for the Holy Father, for cardinals, for bishops and missionaries, for priests and religious who are discouraged or at the point of giving up their priestly ministry or for all those who have placed their hand on the plough but then turned back, as well as for all deceased priests. Prayer is also necessary for the sanctification of families because it is there that vocations are born. 

6.    Exchange words of love in silence. Silence holds a privileged place in adoration through which we can pour out our hearts to Jesus. Everyone is now invited to speak personally to Jesus as our best friend telling Him everything we carry in our heart.

7.    Spiritual Communion. Before saying “goodbye” to the Lord we can still make a Spiritual Communion, which is a very simple act. Through our desire and prayers, “Jesus come now spiritually into my heart!” we draw Him into our soul. Spiritual Communion is like an intense embrace with Jesus. 

8.    Resolution. St. Teresa of Avila, the great Doctor of the Church and teacher of prayer, advised in her spiritual writing never to conclude contemplation without first making a concrete resolution for daily life.

9.    Concluding song, like the Tantum Ergo (if a priest is present for the Eucharistic blessing).

10.    Benediction. Now let us go about our daily life with Jesus. We bring Him with us wherever duty calls. This is why Saint John Paul II said, “May our adoration never cease.”

For more details and reflections on each of these steps, please consult the Congregation's publication Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity.