

The Foundation of Prayer for Priests offers people a variety of ways to get involved with us, including;


Private Prayer

St. John Vianney, the patron saint of all priests, left us an important lesson about prayer:

“Prayer is the source of all graces, the mother of all virtues, the efficacious and universal way by which God wills that we should come to him. He says to us: 'Ask, and you shall receive.' None but God could make such promises and keep them. He says to us, 'If you ask the Father anything in my name, he will give it to you.'…Ought not this promise [to] fill us with confidence, and to make us pray fervently all the days of our poor life? Within the reach of the ignorant, prayer is the virtue of all mankind; it is the science of all the faithful! Everyone on earth who has a heart, everyone who has the use of reason out to love and pray to God.”


Family Prayer

When a family prays together, a spiritual intimacy is created that strengthens the bonds of all family members. A deep sense of security develops that becomes foundational for each person. Prayer is the principal way that the family becomes what it is meant to be. The world and the Church, beginning with priests, need the first fruits of family prayer. It is an urgent call.

Through the example of her saintly parents, St. Thérèse of Lisieux opened herself up to God at a very young age and became the beautiful saint she was called to be. How many young people await the same destiny if only they too had the example of true prayerfulness and godliness within their homes? Every family has problems but with prayer, the problems become opportunities for grace and growth in holiness.



FPP Vianney Cenacles

FPP Vianney Cenacles are groups of men and women who are affiliated with the Foundation of Prayer for Priests and, placing themselves under the intercession of St. John Vianney, the Patron Saint of Priests, come together to pray for priests and vocations. Taking inspiration from the Dicastery for the Clergy's 2012 publication Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity, the Foundation of Prayer for Priests is proud to introduce both Public and Private FPP Vianney Cenacles in order to magnify the Congregation's worldwide initiative of intercessory prayer for priests, especially through Eucharistic Adoration.


Why become a member of the Foundation of Prayer for Priests? Your ‘yes’ will make you a part of a growing spiritual army that is praying for a new priestly Pentecost, which in turn could play an important role in advancing the New Evangelization. Praying for priests is both a divine mandate and a privilege. Prayer changes things for the good. The prayer of one person is powerful, but the prayers of many can and will change the face of the earth. May Mary and the Holy Spirit inspire your ‘yes’ to join this crusade of prayer!


Spiritual Benefits of FPP Membership

  1. Members share in the joy of serving the Church’s priests and seminarians through prayer, study, and sacrifice in continuity with historical spiritual mothers and fathers of priests, the saints.

  2. Members share in the prayers and good works of an international community of people contributing to the holiness of priests.

  3. Members encourage one another, and their priests, through prayer groups (at home or in church), retreats, and conferences.

  4. Members enjoy credibility and protection in the Church as part of an approved ecclesial movement.

  5. Members have access to a library of free resources on the website, receive newsletters, discounts on the book, “Praying for Priests”, and continuing spiritual formation by the FPP priests and lay team.

  6. Members are remembered in the Masses offered by the FPP Priests serving as board members.