Fundamentals of Prayer

When Women Pray: Satisfying Love’s Longing

Kathleen Beckman article from Catholic Exchange website. July 19, 2017

Msgr. Richard Soseman of the Diocese of Peoria and Fr. Mark Toups of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux offer guidance for approaching prayer in the right mindset.

Msgr. Richard Soseman

Msgr. Richard Soseman is a priest of the Diocese of Peoria and currently serves as an official at the Congregation for the Clergy in Vatican City. He is the author of Reflections from Rome: Practical Thoughts on Faith and Family, published in 2013 by Roman Catholic Books. In June of 2014, he was interviewed by Kathleen Beckman on Radio Maria's Living Eucharist program. A part of their discussion centered on the topic of prayer.



In this first clip, Msgr. Soseman speaks to the importance of prayer. Click on the play button below to listen:


In this second clip, Msgr. Soseman speaks about the benefits of private prayer, and recommends lectio divina as a wonderful way to explore what God wants to reveal to us:

Fr. Mark Toups

Fr. Mark Toups is a priest of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux in Louisiana and serves as an adjunct faculty member at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha, Nebraska. In 2013, he created the DVD series Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer (Ascension Press). In the series of videos below produced for the Institute for Priestly Formation, Fr. Toups answers various basic questions about prayer.

What is prayer?

What do I need to do to begin?

How do I know God will be with me as I pray?

What is the most important thing I need to do as I begin?

Does God see me as I see me? How does God see me?

What does God want for me and from me in prayer?

Why do I leave communion with God?

What should I with "difficult things" that pop up in prayer?