A new redemption will come, not by my human passion, but by my passion in crucified souls and a new Pentecost by the living and ardent impulse of the Holy Spirit... But to save souls, to set souls on fire, to bring souls to perfection, we have to begin by the root, which is the Church in my priests, as a powerful help for the saving work that is going to come, which is at the gates. . . . I will suffer in souls. I will expiate in souls, I will purchase with my merits—in souls—the new era of fervor in my Church.1
The time has come to urge forward the kingdom of the Holy Spirit and to put an impregnable barrier against Satan, spiritualizing souls. But for this reason I have to avail myself of instruments who more intimately belong to Me—My Priests—who are designated for saving the world: but transformed into Me through the Holy Spirit.2
And the sins of scandal of my priests, what immensity they encompass! What glory they remove from me and how deep an extent they pierce My Heart! The radius those sins of scandal of my priests encompasses is incalculable for man; and only in eternity in the vision of that great light will they come to see the almost infinite evil that they produce with those innumerable sins. And I say innumerable because a sin of priestly scandal is multiplied and extends to generations....[These hidden sins] attack the faith, blind hope and kill charity.3
More quotes coming soon!