1. The Rosary is a time-tested, scriptural and Christocentric prayer.
Many saints and popes testify to the dynamic power of the rosary, which is a protective, intercessory and healing prayer: “The Rosary, though clearly Marian in character, is at heart a Christocentric prayer. In the sobriety of its elements, it has all the depth of the Gospel message in its entirety, of which it can be said to be a compendium.” – St. John Paul II.
2. The Rosary is a simple school of prayer, with Mary as our teacher.
Though the Rosary, we enter into Mary's memories of her Son's life, death and resurrection: “With the Rosary, the Christian people sits at the school of Mary and is led to contemplate the beauty of the face of Christ and to experience the depths of his love. Through the Rosary, the faithful receive abundant grace, as though from the very hands of the Mother of the Redeemer.” – St. John Paul II
3. The Rosary is a perpetual Magnificat.
The Rosary is intimately connected with the spirit of the Magnificat, Mary’s joyful proclamation to her cousin Elizabeth as recounted in the Gospel of Luke. When we pray the Rosary, we are perpetuating Mary's exalted hymn of praise to God and this draws down special graces: “[The Rosary] is an echo of the prayer of Mary, her perennial Magnificat for the work of the redemptive Incarnation which began in her virginal womb.” – St. John Paul II.