Living Eucharist with Kathleen Beckman - Spotlight on the Holy Rosary

Father Donald Calloway interview for his book, "Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon"

Kathleen Beckman interviews Father Donald Calloway on her Radio Maria weekly program which aired September 13, 2016. They discuss Fr. Donald's book, "Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon". You will hear Fr. Donald talk about the history of the Rosary and a few glimpses of the heroes alluded to in the title of the book as well as how he created the book. This compelling interview can be heard on Radio Maria by clicking the play button below.

father donald callowayclick photo for his book

father donald calloway
click photo for his book

The Holy Rosary: A History and Personal Testimony

In this edition of Radio Maria's Living Eucharist program, host Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S. explains the history of the rosary, explores its scriptural basis, and shares her personal testimony demonstrating its protective, miraculous and healing power. This program originally aired on May 26, 2014.  

Kathleen is also the author of The Holy Rosary for Purity of Mind, Body and Spirit.

David Calvillo - Founder of Real Men Pray the Rosary

In this edition of Radio Maria's Living Eucharist program, host Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S. interviews David Calvillo, an attorney and father of seven who was inspired to found Real Men Pray the Rosary, an apostolate dedicated to encourage all Christians, and especially men, to experience the peaceful joy of praying the rosary. This program originally aired on May 19, 2014.  

David is also the author of Real Men Pray the Rosary: A Practical Guide to a Powerful Prayer (Ave Maria Press, 2013).

Marilyn Quirk - Foundress of Magnificat, A Ministry to Catholic Women (

In this edition of Radio Maria's Living Eucharist program, host Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S. interviews Marilyn Quirk, the foundress of Magnaficat, A Ministry to Catholic Women. Marilyn discusses her devotion to the Rosary and the important connection between the Rosary and the mission of Magnificat. This program originally aired on October 7, 2013.