Priests United with Christ in Gethsemane

by Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S.

Christ: With the deliberate intention of uniting my priests to My Sacred Heart, at times I draw the priest to enter Gethsemane and kneel at My side so that we experience the weight of the mission of salvation together. Because I love My priests, I desire to share My experience of love in the Garden of Olives. That holy ground is where I trembled because the weight of divine love bore down upon Me. The weight of imminent crucifixion, the weight of sin, was to be outdone by the weight of divine love. The weight of impending physical and spiritual suffering caused Me to tremble and sweat blood but the weight of divine love caused Me to say, “My Father if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” 

For the sake of perfect love I draw My priests to enter into the Garden of Olives as into a classroom on the priesthood. In Gethsemane, Satan made his most aggressive assault against the Eternal High Priest. It is there that priests can learn how to resist Satan’s most aggressive assault against their priesthood. The key to Satan’s defeat is always obedience to the Father’s divine will. My loving obedience to the Father opened the gate of divine mercy. I ardently desire and invite My priests to meet Me in Gethesemane—not to make them suffer, but to give them the key that undoes Satan’s attacks against them and My beloved Bride. 

It is necessary for priests to experience the weight of divine love that empowers them to endure all persecution which comes from within (because of their fallen nature) and from without (attacks from the world and Satan). For love of My priests, I share the agony and glory of My life—because theirs is a privileged call. Their unique honor is to be utterly transformed by the weight of divine love—into other Christs so that My beloved Bride is always upheld by My love in them. 

The lessons I teach My priests are difficult at times. I desire them to understand that they are sure to fail in their calling if it were not for My grace. On the Mount of Olives, they learn to move from self-reliance to complete dependence upon the Father’s love and grace. Then they can drink the chalice for love of Me and My Father. I am forever inviting, waiting and ready to kneel next to My priests, to put My arm around them, to wash their feet, to breathe My Spirit on them because I love them perfectly. 

If only they could understand how much I love them! They would tremble not because of fear, but because of the weight of the love that I have for them! With the deliberate intention of uniting My priests to My Sacred Heart, I desire them to experience My life of tears, sweat, blood and glory. When they feel only their unworthiness and depletion, I can work the miracle of making them completely new. I desire that priests allow Me to clothe them with My purity of heart set ablaze with divine love. Like the olive, the grape and the wheat, they are pressed to become oil, wine and bread for the salvation of the world. Great will be their reward!